Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My bio

I am a former Randolph Community College photographic technology student. I cannot praise this program enough. I was taught and mentored by some of the industry's leading professionals. Not only did I study the artistic components of photography here-- color, illustration, negative space, rhythm--I also learned the science in the process of this undying love of mine. For one year I developed and processed my own film, color and black and white and printed each and every photo in the darkroom. Well, a lot has changed since then. My darkroom is now my Mac and those tightly wound rolls of film have been replaced by a little square capable of holding hundreds of shots. Sad? Yes. Exciting? Yes.

I like to have a good time and I find that when I do the subjects I shoot generally follow. This is so important to me! I want to see my subjects in the spotlight shine and have the time of their lives. 

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