Friday, December 19, 2008

Puppy Dogs

For my niece's Christmas present I am making prints of all of our family's dogs to hang in her bedroom. This child adores these dogs. They are pretty lovable.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tracie's links

I have had several friends add this little blogspot of mine to their own "web spots" and I wanted to extend the courtesy as well as share my favorite and most inspiring artists with everyone. 
Please take some time and venture to each. Perhaps one will open a door for you, at least, let in some fresh air.

Essays, Letters, Reflections and Photography by Brian Crean

Doing what you have to do

I started a new job this week, went back to waiting tables ... doing what I have to do to make some money to pour into this business I am committed to.  It will be a hectic Christmas season for me, juggling work with family and life, but I am looking forward to all of the benefits.