Friday, December 12, 2008

Doing what you have to do

I started a new job this week, went back to waiting tables ... doing what I have to do to make some money to pour into this business I am committed to.  It will be a hectic Christmas season for me, juggling work with family and life, but I am looking forward to all of the benefits.


Amy said...

Welcome, welcome! Now I just need for you to change your background to spice it up a little and put some more of your work on here!!! let me know if you need help or just go to and click "free backgrounds" it's fun stuff!!! :) love you!

Caitlin said...

So exciting! I can't wait to check in on a frequent basis and see how it's all progressing. xoxo

Tracy Jacobs Photography said...

Thank you girls! You both are my important cheerleaders. Yes, Ames, I will add some spice ... its fun learning about this site.
Its ridiculous right now that I have like, um, no photography up ... but that's just today. Sunday is my day to put some recent fav. images up.
Love you guys!