Friday, December 19, 2008

Puppy Dogs

For my niece's Christmas present I am making prints of all of our family's dogs to hang in her bedroom. This child adores these dogs. They are pretty lovable.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tracie's links

I have had several friends add this little blogspot of mine to their own "web spots" and I wanted to extend the courtesy as well as share my favorite and most inspiring artists with everyone. 
Please take some time and venture to each. Perhaps one will open a door for you, at least, let in some fresh air.

Essays, Letters, Reflections and Photography by Brian Crean

Doing what you have to do

I started a new job this week, went back to waiting tables ... doing what I have to do to make some money to pour into this business I am committed to.  It will be a hectic Christmas season for me, juggling work with family and life, but I am looking forward to all of the benefits.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Old friends...

... simply rock.

I am in for such a treat. Jessica and I are finally getting together this Friday for lunch. Its wonderful how some friends can step in and out of each other's lives with such ease. Those are the ones you know you never want to be without!

My bio

I am a former Randolph Community College photographic technology student. I cannot praise this program enough. I was taught and mentored by some of the industry's leading professionals. Not only did I study the artistic components of photography here-- color, illustration, negative space, rhythm--I also learned the science in the process of this undying love of mine. For one year I developed and processed my own film, color and black and white and printed each and every photo in the darkroom. Well, a lot has changed since then. My darkroom is now my Mac and those tightly wound rolls of film have been replaced by a little square capable of holding hundreds of shots. Sad? Yes. Exciting? Yes.

I like to have a good time and I find that when I do the subjects I shoot generally follow. This is so important to me! I want to see my subjects in the spotlight shine and have the time of their lives. 

Until the new website is fresh, up and alive...

... I THANK YOU for your patience and continued support. 
Each day the seedlings continue to grow!
It has occurred to me the website will not be ready for a good one-two months and I needed something to share with potential clients. 
Thank you blogspot!